With wintry weather still not ready to leave us, spending time indoor at the Green Living Show was the thing to do. 

Lots of interesting things to see and best of all, organic or other health food products to sample!  Tasted coffee, yoghurt, cheese and dips! There were cooking and yoga demonstrations...Was tempted to join except the people already there were too awesome...Twisting themselves into human pretzels.  There were organic cotton clothing but what really caught my eye were the cleverly recycled clothing and products.  They take old items and re-fashion them into new products and gave tips on DIY projects. 

Another neat idea was found at the Terracycle booth.  They make use tetra packs, chocolate wrappers, chip foil bags and other non-recyclable matter and using them to fashion pencil bags, small purses, headbands and all sorts of other neat products.  The company encourages people to collect these non-recyclable matter, boxed them up and send it the company for free.  They'll turn the 'rubbish' into affordable green goods.

Swapsity Swap Zone was a place where for $2.00 one could bring in their books and CDs and swap them for other ones.  Another neat idea to update one's own collection.  Unfortunately, they don't yet have their own permanent shop and so will have to keep an eye out for when they're setting up shop again. 

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